Table 1. Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical features assessed in patients with LCT.
Clinical |
Age |
Sex |
Race/ethnicity |
Age/stage at first histological documentation of LCT |
Age of death/last follow-up |
Number and sites of skin and extracutaneous tissue biopsied for lymphoma |
Serum LDH prior to and at LCT |
Absolute and percent eosinophils prior to and at LCT |
Medication history (no., type, and response to therapy) |
Histological |
Presence or absence of LCT defined as lymphocytes >4× the size of ‘normal’ lymphocytes comprising ≥25% of the entire atypical infiltrate |
% of all atypical lymphocytes showing large cell morphology |
Density of infiltrate: estimated number of cells per HPF, assessed as low, moderate, or high |
Location of infiltrate: specific involvement of epidermis, papillary dermis, reticular dermis, subcutis, follicular epithelium, or sweat gland epithelium |
Presence/absence of fibrosis: defined by thickened or wiry collagen bundles in dermis |
Presence/absence of ulceration: defined by full-thickness erosion of epidermis, including basement membrane |
Epidermotropism: presence of atypical lymphocytes extending into the epidermis, out of proportion to any visible spongiosis |
Pautrier microabscesses: aggregates of at least 3 atypical lymphocytes in the epidermis, sometimes visibly associated with Langerhans cells, in the absence of the vase-like shapes more typically seen in spongiotic dermatitis |
Spongiosis: visible intercellular oedema |
Epidermal hyperplasia: acanthosis/widening of epidermis beyond that expected for the specified region of the skin |
Eosinophils: quantified by light microscopy, per 5 HPF |
Neutrophils: present or absent |
Langerhans cell hyperplasia: present or absent within the epidermis on H&E stain |
Follicular mucin: intercellular mucin in follicular epithelium, seen on H&E stain, with or without ‘lake-like’ collections |
Folliculotropism: presence of atypical lymphocytes extending into the follicular epithelium, out of proportion to spongiosis |
Histopathological stage: tumour vs plaque vs patch (as previously described) |
Mitotic rate: number of atypical lymphocytes observed to be in mitosis per 5 HPF |
Immunohistochemical |
CD3 |
CD4 |
CD8 |
CD7 |
CD4:CD8 |
% CD30 of total infiltrate |
Absolute CD30/5 HPF |
Dermal vs epidermal predominance of CD30 |
% Ki-67 |
HPF, high power field; LCT, large cell transformation; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.