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. 2016 Apr 7;27(10):2997–3004. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2015091055

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Analysis of genes differentially expressed in kidneys of Control and cKO mice revealed enrichment of processes related to the cellular metabolism and organic anion transport. (A) Heat maps of normalized expression values of genes significantly affected in kidneys of cKO mice at ZT4, ZT16, or both time points (false discovery rate <5%). Expression values were mean centered, variance normalized, and subjected to hierarchical clustering (complete linkage) using Pearson correlation as the similarity metric. (B) Gene ontology analysis showing significantly enriched biologic processes (Bonferroni correction) among 552 genes differentially expressed in kidneys of control and cKO mice at ZT4 and ZT16. Significant biologic processes were summarized and classified with REVIGO. Ctrl, control.