Fig. 3.
Similarity of transcriptional responses in cultivated hepatocytes and diseased or damaged livers. a Analysis of cultivated primary mouse hepatocytes (M c, M s, S), mouse liver tissue 24 h after intraperitoneal injection of LPS, hepatocellular carcinoma induced by a single diethylnitrosamine injection followed by chronic CCl4 intoxication (HCC, n = 3), steatosis in obese mice induced by leptin deficiency (ob/ob) and freshly isolated hepatocytes from healthy mice (FH). Principal components (PC1 and PC2) represent 66.2 % of the variance. b Analysis of human hepatocytes, liver tissue of patients with cirrhosis (n = 15), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC, n = 15), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) stages 0–1 (n = 40) and stages 3–4 (n = 32), and hepatitis B infection (n = 2). The graph shows the top two principal components (PC1 and PC2) representing 63.9 % of the variance. c, d Transcriptomic alterations in cultivated mouse hepatocytes compared to time course analysis of mouse liver tissue after acute liver damage by a single intoxication with CCl4 (c) and after 2/3 partial hepatectomy (d). The dashed arrows indicate the trend of gene expression changes in time, on cultivated hepatocytes and in liver tissue after CCl4 intoxication or partial hepatectomy. The top two principal components (in c, d) represent 65.9 and 78.5 % of the variance, respectively. All PCA graphs are based on the 1000 genes with highest variance