Fig. 4.
Different dynamics between GFAPα and GFAPδ. a FRAP experiments consisted of bleaching ROI and measuring the fluorescence recovery up to 30 min after the bleach in U251MG cells. Within 150 s, most of the fluorescence was recovered, but recovery was never complete. b FRAP experiments were performed for GFAPα, GFAPδ, and GFAPδ in a collapsed network, and half times were calculated. There is a significant difference in half time between GFAPα (median = 1.1 min) and GFAPδ (median = 2.3 min) (p < 0.05; n = 33, n = 30), and between GFAPα and GFAPδ in a collapsed network (median = 3.8 min) (p = 0.000; n = 32). There was no significant difference in the half time of GFAPδ in spread out or collapsed network, although there was a trend that a collapse decreased the half time of GFAPδ. c The immobile fractions were not significantly different between GFAPα (40.2 %), GFAPδ (49.1 %) (p = 0.7; n = 29 and n = 30). GFAPδ in a collapse did have a significantly different immobile fraction (56.3 %; n = 32) compared with GFAPα (p = 0.03) and GFAPδ (p = 0.04) in a network. Graphs b and c show median values with interquartile range. d Medians of FRAP curves for GFAPα, GFAPδ and GFAPδ in a collapse show the recovery after bleaching. Non-parametric tests were performed on the data extracted from the FRAP measurements, so non-overlapping curves do not equal significant differences in this graph