Figure 5. Temporally regulated Cripto-1 activation causes the cardiac defects in mutant embryos (RCLG/hUb-CreERT2).
(A) Whole-mount views of representative hearts obtained from control (RCLG) and mutant (RCLG/hUb-CreERT2) embryos at E11.5 to E14.5. The lower images show the hearts of the E11.5 to E14.5 control and mutant embryos shown in the upper images. The arrows indicate the interventricular sulcus. (B) H&E staining of transverse sections of control and mutant embryos. The upper images show the entire hearts of E13.5 and E14.5 embryo, and the lower images (g,h,k,l) are higher magnifications of the rectangular regions indicated in images (e,f,i,j), respectively. Other details as in Fig. 4. (C) The cardiomyocytes in the mutant embryos failed to assemble striated myofibrils. (c,d) are higher magnifications of the regions indicated in (a,b), respectively.