Table I.
Successful and failed treatments of Rosai-Dorfman disease with thalidomide in the literature
Patient | Age (y)/sex | Presentation | Site | Additional history | Duration before diagnosis | Treatment prethalidomide | Dosage/duration of thalidomide treatment | Response to thalidomide/follow-up |
15 | 43/M | Papules and crusting | Face, chest, and upper extremities | Negative | 12 mo |
50 mg/d for 2 wk, 100 mg/d for 8 mo | Near resolution of nodules in face and limbs with lightening of erythematous papules 2 y: no recurrence of lesions |
26 | 45/F | Erythematous papules and plaques | Bilateral cheeks, periorbital, neck, inner thighs | Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia, elevated ESR | 5 mo |
300 mg/d | Gradual regression 5 mo: all lesions resolved except scattered axillary lesions |
310 | 41/F | Erythematous papules and plaques | Face, neck, periorbital, limbs, upper trunk | Uveitis, IgG hyperglobulinemia, mild anemia, elevated ESR | 2 mo | N/A | 300 mg/d, tapering to 150 mg/d | 22 mo: partial response |
410 | 60/M | Erythematous plaques/nodules with satellite papules | Back | Negative | 4-5 mo | N/A | 300 mg/d | 4 mo: clearing of old lesions |
511 | 72/F | Erythematous papules | Right breast | Negative | 8 mo |
50 mg/d for 1 mo, 100 mg/d for 5 mo | Minimal response Response to methotrexate 0.25 mg/kg within 1 mo, sustained partial response with methotrexate at 6 mo |
612 | 41/F | Erythematous papules, plaques, and nodules | Right cheek from inner canthus to nasal ala | Negative | 10 mo |
50 mg/d for 3 mo | Significant improvement No follow up information |
713 | 70/M | Erythematous nodules | Right chest | Negative | 1 y |
300 mg/d for 8 mo | No improvement on thalidomide Surgical excision of nodes; no recurrence after 1 y |