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. 2015 Sep 1;30(3):809–831. doi: 10.1111/socf.12193

Table 4.

Odds Ratios for Drug/Alcohol Abuse on Gender Nonconformity (= 4,115)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Gender Nonconformity 1.12*** 1.12*** 1.10** 1.01
(1.06–1.19) (1.05–1.19) (1.03–1.18) (.94–1.08)
Hormones Only 1.17 1.39** 1.26*
(.95–1.43) (1.12–1.73) (1.00–1.57)
Had Surgery .92a 1.17a .93a
(.74–1.15) (.93–1.49) (.73–1.20)
Lives Full Time 1.17 1.02 .86
(.97–1.40) (.84–1.23) (.70–1.04)
Trans Woman .90 .84*
(.76–1.06) (.70–.99)
Asian/Pacific Islander .48* .50*
(.26–.89) (.27–.93)
Black .84 .90
(.56–1.26) (.59–1.37)
Latina/o 1.12b 1.05b
(.78–1.61) (.72–1.52)
American Indian .89 .66
(.48–1.67) (.34–1.29)
Multiracial 1.55*** bc 1.28* b
(1.26–1.91) (1.02–1.59)
Income (Logged) .85*** .91*
(.79–.91) (.84–.98)
Education .91* .87***
(.85–.99) (.80–.94)
Age .99** 1.00
(.98–1.00) (.99–1.00)
Sexual Minority 1.18 1.13
(.98–1.41) (.94–1.37)
Major Discrimination 1.07***
Everyday Discrimination 1.17***
AIC 4,785.83 4,780.29 4,699.15 4,448.93
BIC 4,804.79 4,818.22 4,800.31 4,562.73

Exponentiated coefficients from binary logistic regression; 95% CIs in parentheses. *< .05, **< .01, ***< .001. All models control for survey version. No medical procedures is the reference medical transition category. Non‐Hispanic whites are the reference racial/ethnic group. aSignificantly differs from hormonal treatment only (< .05). bSignificantly differ from Asians/Pacific Islanders (< .05). cSignificantly differ from Blacks (< .05).

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure