Figure 4. Individuals with asthma who have low levels of chronic life stress show increased glucose metabolism in the anterior insula during a social stressor, relative to a control task, compared to asthmatic individuals with high levels of chronic life stress.
(A) Cluster showing a group x challenge interaction in the insula ROI analysis. MNI coordinates of the peak voxel in mm (34, 16, −16), 286 voxels. (B) Mean glucose metabolism extracted from the cluster shown in (A) for each condition and group. This plot is provided only to show the data over the significant voxels, and inferences are not provided since the voxel-wise analysis and ROI-averaged analyses utilize the same contrast, which is a case of circular analysis (Kriegeskorte et al., 2009). (C) Overlap of the cluster showing a group x challenge interaction in the right insula in the current data (red) with the cluster showing a group x challenge x valence interaction (blue), and correlation with sputum EOS (green) published in Rosenkranz et al., 2012..(D) Intersection of the three clusters. Image A is thresholded at p < .05, uncorrected.