Table 1.
Congenic name | Last marker BN allele | First marker GK allele | Last marker GK allele | First marker BN allele | Genomic length (Mb) |
1cns | D1Got96 (88.6) | D1Rat27 (90.3) | D1Got353 (266.9) | - (Telomere) | 176.6–179.3 |
1b | D1Rat77 (238.0) | D1Got237 (246.7) | D1Got353 (266.9) | - (Telomere) | 20.2–29.9 |
1d | J576143 (225.8) | J337594 (227.9) | D1Got231 (231.6) | D1Got224 (233.0) | 3.7–7.2 |
1f | J576143 (225.8) | J337594 (227.9) | D1Got353 (266.9) | - (Telomere) | 39.0–42.1 |
1h | D1Got337 (193.5) | D1Got338 (197.0) | D1Rat84 (259.3) | D1Cebr4 (263.8) | 62.34–70.3 |
1k | D1Got231 (231.6) | Glis3 (231.9) | XM_219778 (233.1) | Fxna (233.3) | 1.2–1.7 |
1o | D1Got96 (90.3) | D1Got100 (92.1) | D1Wox86 (224.7) | J576143 (225.8) | 132.6–137.2 |
1p | D1Got96 (88.6) | D1Rat27 (90.3) | D1Smu5 (189.5) | D1Got172 (191.7) | 99.2–103.1 |
1q | D1Wox86 (224.7) | J576143 (225.8) | D1Rat75 (235.1) | D1Wox89 (236.5) | 9.3–11.8 |
1t | J576143 (225.8) | J337594 (227.9) | D1Rat223 (228.8) | D1Rat76 (230.4) | 0.9–4.6 |
1u | D1Wox7 (139.0) | D1Wox78 (143.8) | D1Got191 (175.4) | D1Got326 (176.6) | 31.6–37.6 |
1v | D1Wox18 (94.6) | D1Got307 (102.5) | D1Got108 (127.4) | D1Got318 (130.1) | 24.9–35.5 |
Name and genomic position (Mb) of the genetic markers flanking the GK congenic intervals are given, along with the minimum and maximum genomic length (Mb) of the introgressed GK genomic segment. Genomic positions were taken from the rat reference genome assembly (RGSC3.4, Ensembl release 69)