(a) Cell cycle progression (CCP) scores based on the expression of 31 cell cycle-associated transcripts vary across tumors. The genes comprising the CCP score are shown with expression levels colored to reflect high (yellow) or low (blue) transcript abundance. Columns represent individual tumors excepting Bladder; BP, benign prostate; CP3, primary PC with Gleason grade 6; CP4, primary PC with Gleason pattern ≥ 7, which are composites of 10 to 20 samples. The 171 CRPC tumors from 63 patients with expression data are shown.
(b) Correlation between CCP score and Ki67 IHC (r = 0.48, P < 0.005) in 36 tumors with matching protein and RNA expression data.
(c) Cell cycle progression scores (y-axis) for each of 171 tumors grouped by patient (x-axis). BP, benign prostate epithelium; CP, primary prostate cancer; G, Gleason pattern.