Fig. 6.
Effects of immunoproteasome inhibition on MAV-1 viral loads and virus-induced inflammation in the heart. Neonatal B6 mice were infected with MAV-1. Mice were treated with ONX 0914 (5 mg/kg/dose administered s.c.) every other day beginning at 1 day post infection (d.p.i.). Control mice were treated with vehicle. Hearts were harvested at 9 dpi. ProCISE assay was used to measure A) β5i and B) β5 subunit activity in the heart, expressed as the percentage of activity measured in mock-infected, vehicle-treated control mice. C) Values for β5i and β5 subunit activity were used to calculate the β5i:β5 activity ratio. D) qPCR was used to quantify MAV-1 genome copies in heart DNA. DNA viral loads are expressed as copies of MAV-1 genome per 100 ng of input DNA. Individual circles represent values for individual mice and horizontal bars represent means for each group. E-I) RT-qPCR was used to quantify expression in the heart of the indicated cytokines and chemokines, shown relative to GAPDH in arbitrary units. For comparison, horizontal dotted lines correspond to expression in mock-infected, vehicle-treated control mice (n=3; lines fall very close to the X-axis where not readily visible). Combined data from n=6–7 mice per group are presented as means ± S.E.M. **P<0.01.