Nanosystem treatment of glioblastomas in mouse models. Mice bearing lentiviral oncogene-induced (left) or transplantable (right) brain tumors were intravenously treated with a targeted nanosystem schematically depicted in the figure (see text for description of the system). Kaplan–Meier survival plots are shown. CGKRK is the homing peptide, and D(KLAKLAK)2 is the pro-apoptotic peptide. The lentiviral induced tumors were highly responsive to the nanosystem (CGKRK- D(KLAKLAK)2-NWs), with complete eradication of the tumors in almost all mice. The growth of the more aggressive transplantable tumors was delayed, and this effect was further enhanced when the iRGD peptide was co-administered with the nanosystem. Modified from [50 Agemy, et al., 2011] with permission.