Table 1.
Entity class | Resources | OpenBEL namespace |
Human genes/proteins | EntrezGene/Uniprot | HGNC |
Mouse genes/proteins | EntrezGene/Uniprot | MGI |
Rat genes/proteins | EntrezGene/Uniprot | RGD |
Protein family names | OpenBEL | SFAM |
Protein complex names | OpenBEL | SCOMP |
Protein complex names | Gene Ontology | GOCC |
Biological processes | Gene Ontology | GOBP |
Chemical names | OpenBEL | SCHEM |
Chemical names | ChEBI | CHEBI |
Chemical names | ChEMBL | CHEMBL |
Disease names | MeSH | MESHD |
Anatomical names | MeSH | MESHAnatomy |
Cell lines | Cell Line Ontology | CellLine |
Cell structures | MeSH | CellStructure |
These resources were converted into dictionaries and integrated into the workflow: EntrezGene (, Uniprot (, OpenBEL name spaces and annotations (, Gene Ontology (, ChEBI (, ChEMBL (, MeSH (, and the Cell Line Ontology (