Figure 5.
(a) A flow cytometric analysis concerning the expression of CD8+Ki67+ cells in T-cell cultures undergone multiple in vitro stimulation with IRIV and derived from the PBMCs of normal donors (ND) or mNSCLC patients isolated at the baseline () and after four treatment courses (
) with the mPE doublet alone or combined with bevacizumab (mPEBev). Further panels describe the ELISA dosage of Th1 (IFNɣ, TNFα ) and Th2 (IL4 and IL10) cytokines in the supernatant of T-cell cultures in vitro stimulated with SEB (b), IRIV (c) and TSPP (d), and derived from the PBMCs of normal donors (ND) or mNSCLC patients and isolated at the baseline (
) or after four treatment courses (
) with the doublet alone (mPE) or combined with bevacizumab (mPEBev). Results are expressed as fold induction relative to baseline indicated as 1 (±S.E.). Asterisk represents statistical significance to the correspondent baseline values (*P<0.05).