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. 2016 Jun 6;26(4):e4589. doi: 10.5812/ijp.4589

Figure 5. Arnold Chiari II in a fetus at 20wks GA; (A) Axial T2 HASTE image of fetal brain shows a “lemon Shape” skull(straight arrow) and dilatation of posterior horns of lateral ventricles (curved arrow). (B) axial T2 HASTE image of lumbar spine; open neural tube defect with associated myelomeningocele(straight arrow). (C) Sagittal T2 HASTE image of entire fetal body shows combination of findings; small crowded posterior fossa, herniation of inferior vermis and fourth ventricle(large arrow), dilatation of lateral ventricles(small arrow) and myelomeningocele in lumosacral spine(curved arrow).

Figure 5.