Fig. 4.
Identification of a Wnt responsive region in the SLC16A1 promoter region. A schematic (a) representing the ChIP peak region (486 nt) occupied by dnTCF-1, which was subcloned 5′ of the heterologous thymidine kinase (TK) core promoter and luciferase open reading frame. Luciferase reporter activity in SW480 (b), SW620 (c), HCT116 (d), and DLD1 (e) cells shows that the ChIP peak region confers elevated transcription activity to the heterologous TK promoter. The expression of transfected dnLEF-1, or treatment with the Wnt inhibitor XAV939 (10 μM) reduces the regulatory activity of these fragments. Graphs shown represent the average of three independent replicates (+/− SEM) (*p value < 0.05; **p value < 0.01; ***p value < 0.001)