Figure 3.
Differential gene expression due to soil water deficit is affected by the time of sampling. A–D, Differential expression between treatments was characterized via “volcano” plots, where the log2 fold change of treatment contrasts is plotted on the horizontal axis and the P-value of the associated test is on the vertical. Points were colored by whether the FDR-corrected P-value exceeded alpha = 0.05 threshold. E and F, The total number of significant genes for each of the four contrasts were plotted in Euler diagrams, where disc size is proportional to the number of genes that were significant for each treatment contrast in the greenhouse (E) and cylinder experiment (F). The corresponding number of differentially expressed genes can be found in Table I. G, To visualize the treatment*time interactions that make up these differential responses, we plotted mean normalized expression values for each of the top 100 treatment*time genes from the cylinder and greenhouse.