Figure 3.
GPI modification signal mediates enriched accumulation at the peripheral puncta. Transient expression is shown for GPI-anchored mCitrine in N. benthamiana. A to C, Localization of SP-mCitrine fused to the GPI signal of BG_pap (mCit-GPIBG). D to F, Localization of SP-mCitrine fused to the GPI signal of PDCB1 (mCit-GPICB). G to I, Localization of mCitrine fused to the PM marker AGG2 (mCit-AGG2). A, D, and G, show localization with no treatment; B to B′′, E to E′′, and H to H′′ show localization in plasmolyzed cells stained with FM4-64. C, F, and I, show localization in the presence of the GPI biosynthesis inhibitor mannosamine. Arrows in A and D indicate peripheral puncta. In plasmolyzed cells, the dashed white line marks the cell wall, asterisks indicate the apoplastic space formed by the receding protoplast, and triangles indicate the position of the PM. Images in C, F, and I are Z projections of several confocal slices. Bars = 10 µm.