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. 2016 Sep 12;113(39):10908–10913. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1602145113

Table S2.

Full model results for the Neogene diversity–productivity relationship in mammals

n Residual df Conditional R2 AIC Estimate Std. error/ std. dev. z P
Main models for continents
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + stage midpoint + (1 | continent) 12 7 0.77 125.8
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + (1 | stage midpoint) + (1 | continent) 12 7 0.81 118.6
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + (stage midpoint | continent) 12 7 0.82 122.7
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + stage duration + stage midpoint + (1 | continent) 12 6 0.80 121.5
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + stage duration + (1| stage midpoint) + (1 | continent) 12 6 0.79 120.2
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + stage duration + (stage midpoint | continent) 12 5 0.89 116.6
  NPP (grams of dry matter⋅m−2⋅y−1, log-transformed) 1.109 0.373 2.97 0.003
  Area (around all locations in each stage, square kilometers, log-transformed) 0.535 0.081 6.59 <0.001
  Stage duration (My, log) 0.237 0.084 2.83 0.005
  Random intercept effect: continent identity 0.062 0.249
  Random slope effect: stage midpoint (age in Mya) 0.001 0.026
Main models for regions
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + stage midpoint + (1 | region) 17 12 0.59 224.4
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + (1 | stage midpoint) + (1 | region) 17 12 0.59 218.6
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + (stage midpoint | region) 17 11 0.76 190.4
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + stage duration + stage midpoint + (1 | region) 17 11 0.60 220.7
 Diversity ∼ NPP + area + stage duration + (1| stage midpoint) + (1 | region) 17 11 0.60 219.8
 Diversity ∼ NPP + Area + stage duration + (stage midpoint | region) 17 10 0.82 183.3
  NPP (grams of dry matter⋅m−2⋅y−1, log-transformed) 0.912 0.318 2.87 0.004
  Area (around all locations in each stage, square kilometers, log-transformed) 0.628 0.089 7.04 <0.001
  Stage duration (My, log) 0.251 0.083 3.03 0.002
  Random intercept effect: region identity 0.346 0.588
  Random slope effect: stage midpoint (age in Mya) 0.004 0.062
Supplemental models
 Continents: average γ diversity across land mammal ages 12 5 0.55 124.8
  NPP (grams of dry matter⋅m−2⋅y−1, log-transformed) 1.074 0.420 2.56 0.011
  Area (around all locations in each stage, square kilometers, log-transformed) 0.177 0.088 2.00 0.045
  Stage duration (My, log) −0.144 0.097 −1.48 0.138
  Random intercept effect: Continent identity 0.091 0.302
  Random slope effect: stage midpoint (age in Mya) 0.001 0.032
 Continents: area accounting for tectonic extension of North America 12 5 0.90 117.7
  NPP (g dry matter⋅m−2⋅y−1, log-transformed) 1.076 0.386 2.79 0.005
  Area (around all locations in each stage, square kilometers, log-transformed) 0.522 0.080 6.49 <0.001
  Stage duration (My, log) 0.246 0.084 2.93 0.003
  Random intercept effect: continent identity 0.074 0.272
  Random slope effect: stage midpoint (age in Mya) 0.001 0.030
 Regions: average γ diversity across land mammal ages 16 9 0.80 171.6
  NPP (grams of dry matter⋅m−2⋅y−1, log-transformed) 1.186 0.344 3.44 <0.001
  Area (around all locations in each stage, square kilometers, log-transformed) 0.219 0.102 2.15 0.032
  Stage duration (My, log) −0.039 0.098 −0.40 0.688
  Random intercept effect: region identity 0.447 0.669
  Random slope effect: stage midpoint (age in Mya) 0.006 0.075
 Regions: area accounting for tectonic extension of North America 17 10 0.63 213.6
  NPP (grams of dry matter⋅m−2⋅y−1, log-transformed) 0.009 0.446 0.02 0.984
  Area (around all locations in each stage, square kilometers, log-transformed) 0.703 0.085 8.25 <0.001
  Stage duration (My, log) 0.237 0.082 2.89 0.004
  Random intercept effect: region identity 0.270 0.520
  Random slope effect: stage midpoint (age in Mya) 0.003 0.054

Models were GLMMs with Poisson error functions, fitted across stratigraphic stages in either the two continents or the three focal regions. The response variable in all models was fossil mammalian diversity (γ diversity estimates rounded to integers). For the main models, we tested different ways to model the temporal and spatial structure of our dataset as random or fixed effects and used model comparison to select the most appropriate model structure (the lowest AIC value is highlighted in bold). Model formulas are given for each model using the glmer() function in the lme4 package for R. For explanations of fixed and random effects, see the detail rows (double indented) for selected best models (note that these are also shown in Table 1 but are provided here for ease of comparison with supplemental models). Supplemental models were identical in structure to the respective best main model but used either a different measure of mammalian diversity as response variable (average γ diversity estimates across land mammal ages within each stratigraphic stage, as opposed to γ diversity estimates for the stages in the main models) or a different area variable to account for tectonic extension of Western North America during the middle to late Miocene (SI Materials and Methods). std. dev., SD of the variance estimate for random effects; std. error, SE of the slope estimate for fixed effects.