Table 1. Average IL (cm) of the 7th to the 9th internodes in ‘Xun928’ and ‘Xun9058’.
The internodes under ear | The Internode Length |
The ninth internode of ‘Xun9058’ | 9.62±0.20 a |
The ninth internode of ‘Xun928’ | 8.55±0.32 b |
The eighth internode of ‘Xun9058’ | 7.85±0.15 b |
The eighth internode of ‘Xun928’ | 6.79±0.30 c |
The seventh internode of ‘Xun9058’ | 5.88±0.11 c |
The seventh internode of ‘Xun928’ | 4.73±0.19 d |
Data of each sample was the means from 60 plants. Different lower case letters in the column indicate significant differences at P ≤ 0.05 according to least significance difference tests. Data represent the mean values ± SE.