Fig. 7.
Fuca1-deficient mice show behavioral deficits. (A) 3-month-old Fuca1-deficient (−/−) mice showed reduced forelimb strength. (B) Home cage activity was recorded during a 23-h session, indicating general hypoactivity in 3-month-old Fuca1−/− mice. (C) A rotarod test was performed with 3-month-old mice and showed no difference in drop latency between the genotypes during four (I-IV) consecutive trials. (D) The rotarod test with 7-month-old animals showed a decreased average drop latency across four consecutive trials for the Fuca1−/− mice. (E) Scatter plot reflecting rotarod drop latency of Fuca1−/− mice at 3 and 7 months of age, indicating progressive impairment of motor function in all investigated animals. (F) No difference in baseline freezing levels or fear acquisition was observed in Fuca1-deficient (−/−) mice. However, freezing percentage decreased during fear memory evaluations in Fuca1-deficient (−/−) mice, reflecting both impaired contextual and cued fear memory. HAB, habituation; BL, baseline; FC, fear conditioning; CON, context fear; preCUE, pre-cued fear; CUE, cued fear; mean±s.e.m.; n=15 for 3-month-old mice; n=10 (WT) and n=8 (Fuca1−/−) for 7-month-old mice. Only significant effects with regard to genotype are highlighted. Asterisks indicate significant difference between Fuca1-deficient mice and wild-type controls, *P<0.05; **P<0.01 (two-tailed t-test for A,F; repeated-measures ANOVA for B-E).