Perioperative serum concentrations of interleukin-1β in patients undergoing cardiac surgery (n = 288). Sampling time points are preoperative (base), and four hours, 24 hr, and 48 hr after aortic cross-clamp removal. Results at each time point are expressed as mean (SD) in all patients (A), stratified by IL1B rs1143633 genotypes (homozygous major allele GG and heterozygous AG vs homozygous minor allele AA carriers, recessive inheritance model) (B), and by IL1B rs16994 genotypes (homozygous minor allele TT and heterozygous CT vs homozygous major allele CC carriers, dominant inheritance pattern) (C). Patients carrying either the rs1143633G allele and/or the rs16994T allele are high interleukin-1β producers. *P < 0.01 difference compared with preoperative (base) values. IL = interleukin