Treatment of dystrophic mice with PDE inhibitors rescues neurobehavioral social deficits. (a and b) Social approach data for wild-type (WT; open bars) and dystrophic (mdx5cv; red bars) mice given either vehicle, PDE5A inhibitor (sildenafil citrate; 400 mg ml−1) or the PDE9A inhibitor (200 mg ml−1). (a) The left bar in the figure represents chamber 1 (familiar mouse), the middle bar chamber 2 (center point) and right bar chamber 3 (novel object). (b) The left bar in the figure represents chamber 1 (familiar mouse) and the right bar chamber 3 (novel object). The data show that the mdx5cv mice show no preference for the novel mouse or object in the vehicle-treated mice; *P-value <0.05; NS, no significance. Eight mice per cohort were used for each social approach experiment. The time spent in each chamber F-value for WT vehicle mice was F1,8=6.04 and the time in close interaction F-value was F1,8=4.82. The time spent in each chamber F-value for mdx5cv vehicle-treated mice was F1,8=0.63 and the time in close interaction F-value was F1,8=0.89. The time spent in each chamber F-value for mdx5cv PDE5A inhibitor-treated mice was F1,8=20.10 and the time in close interaction F-value was F1,8=9.69. The time in close interaction F-value for mdx5cv PDE9A inhibitor-treated mice was F1,8=23.93 and the time in close interaction F-value was F1,8=50.10. A 95% confidence interval for significance (P<0.05) with eight degrees of freedom was used.