Fig. 2.
Computational modeling and tunability. (a) The model consists of intracellular variables (lysis gene E and LuxI concentrations) and extracellular variables (colony size and AHL concentrations). A time series of colony size (black line), colony AHL (blue line), intracellular LuxI (green line) and lysis protein concentrations (red line) are shown on the right. (b) The region in the model parameter space for clpXP mediated degradation (see Supplementary information) and flow where the model output is oscillatory increases with higher production and degradation terms. (c) Results from the computational model showing the ability to tune the oscillatory period by varying ClpXP mediated degradation of LuxI. (d) Fluorescence profiles showing lysis oscillations for LuxI ssrA (black line, Strain 2) and non-ssrA (blue line, Strain 1) tagged versions of the circuit. See Supplementary Information for complete model information.