Table 2.
Neuropsychological test battery
Neuropsychological test battery employed in this study. The ordering of tests demonstrated here is the same as from the adjacency matrix in Figure 1.
ID | Label | Domain tested |
1 | PGDOM1 | Speeded dexterity—dominant hand |
2 | PGNDOM1 | Speeded dexterity —nondominant hand |
3 | WCSPR1 | Problem solving perseverative errors |
4 | WCSTERR1 | Problem solving errors (WCST) |
5 | TRLA1 | Psychomotor speed (TMT-A) |
6 | TRLB1 | Speeded mental flexibility (TMT-B) |
7 | STROOC1 | Stroop Test color naming |
8 | WSCAT1 | Problem solving categories (WCST) |
9 | VC | Verbal comprehension (WAIS-III) |
10 | PO | Perceptual organization (WAIS-III) |
11 | PS | Processing speed (WAIS-III) |
12 | WM | Working memory (WAIS-III) |
13 | AUD_I | Auditory memory-immediate (WMS-III) |
14 | AUD_D | Auditory memory-delayed (WMS-III) |
15 | VM_I | Visual memory-immediate (WMS-III) |
16 | VM_D | Visual memory-delayed (WMS-III) |
17 | AUDCRAW1 | Auditory recognition |
18 | BNTSPON1 | Confrontation naming (BNT) |
19 | FACREC1 | Face perception |
20 | FLUANIM1 | Fluency animals |
21 | FLUCFL1 | Fluency letters |
22 | FLULIVE1 | Fluency living |
23 | FLUNLIV1 | Fluency nonliving |
24 | VCLTR1 | Verbal recall (SRT) |
25 | VSUM1 | Verbal learning (SRT) |
26 | JOLOBENT1 | Line orientation |
27 | NVCLTR1 | Nonverbal recall (SRT) |
28 | NVSUM1 | Nonverbal learning (SRT) |
29 | READRAW1 | Word reading (WRAT-III) |
30 | STROOCW1 | Stroop Interference |