Table 1.
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics NMD and HC Participants
NMD (n = 41) | HC (n=23) | Test Statistic | p-value | Lower 95% CI | Upper 95% CI | |
Variable | M (SD) | M (SD) | ||||
Age | 40.33 (15.57) | 36.43 (17.33) | t(−.89) | .37 | −12.23 | 4.66 |
Female % (n) | 65.9% (n=27) | 43.5% (n=10) | ||||
Education (years) | 15.83 (2.10) | 15.65 (1.94) | t(−.33) | .74 | −1.24 | .89 |
Verbal IQ Estimate | 111.42 (8.93) | 112.80 (6.36) | t(1.66) | .11 | −.98 | 9.92 |
Co-morbid Anxiety, % (n) | 29.3% (n=12) | -- | ||||
Age of MDEa Onset | 21. 09 (10.95) | -- | ||||
Antidepressantb (AD) % (n) | 12.8% (n=5) | -- | ||||
Current AD Plusc % (n) | 38.5% (n = 15) | -- | ||||
HDRS* | 15.63 (5.70) | .65 (.41) | t(11.61) | <.001 | −17.56 | −12.40 |
BDI* | 24.23 (11.18) | 1.22 (2.32) | t(−9.72) | <.001 | −27.74 | −18.27 |
HARS* | 14.80 (6.89) | 1.05 (1.88) | t(−8.73) | <.001 | −16.91 | −10.60 |
BAI* | 15.17 (8.76) | 1.65 (2.39) | t(−6.75) | <.001 | −17.53 | −9.52 |
Facial Perception Accuracy | .80 (.11) | .83 (.10) | t(1.36) | .18 | −.02 | .09 |
Pre−scan Cortisol (Ug/dl) | .76 (.40) | .69 (.41) | t(−.74) | .46 | −.29 | .13 |
Post-scan Cortisol (Ug/dl) | .56 (.26) | .58 (.55) | t(.22) | .83 | −.18 | .23 |
Average Daily Cortisold | .65 (.28) | .58 (.23) | t(−.62) | .55 | −.29 | .16 |
Group differences at p <.05
MDE = Major Depressive Episode
All participants taking an antidepressant were on a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Refers to currently taking an antidepressant
Subsample from both groups and included for illustrative, conceptual integration purposes