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. 2016 Sep 8;21(36):30336. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.36.30336

Table 2. Indirect immunofluorescence results and interval between the dates the first and second samples were taken, for convalescent paired samples from 37 confirmed cases, Spain, 2008–14.

Indirect immunofluorescence results Number of samples Mean time in daysa (range) between the dates the first and second samples were taken, post symptom onset
First sample Second sample
 Pos Pos 17 43 (7–79)
Neg Pos 4 22.5 (16–29)
 Neg Neg 4 117 (53–181
Pos Pos 17 108 (6–210)
Neg Pos 15 38 (16–60)
Pos Neg 1 58b (NA)

NA: not applicable; Neg: negative; Pos: positive.

a Unless otherwise specified.

b The second sample was taken 58 days after symptom onset. The date the first sample was taken was not available.