Fig. 5.
Differential expression of structural and regulatory genes in the committed phenylpropanoid and flavonoid pathways, and in the upstream phenylalanine and shikimate pathways. Genes that were statistically significant and upregulated more than 2-fold based on the mRNA-seq analysis are indicated along with the accession numbers based on the Gossypium hirsutum cv. TM-1 draft genome. The fold differences in expression between MC-BL and MC-WL are indicated in the boxes below the accession numbers, with 8 days post anthesis (DPA) in the left box and 20 DPA in the right. The boxes are colour-coded brown for upregulation in MC-BL and white for upregulation in MC-WL. No statistically significant difference in gene expression is indicated by ns. The genes known to be directly regulated by the TT2-TT8-TTG1 regulon in Arabidopsis are indicated within the bracket next to the regulatory complex in the illustration. The GhTT2_A07 gene (Gh_A07G2341) activated by the upstream genomic inversion is indicated within the red box.