Details of Psittacosaurus sp. SMF R 4970, Photographed under Crossed Polarized Light
Overview (A); tail region, showing countershading gradient (B); belly with lighter pigmentation (lower-left corner) and a dorsoventral pigmentation gradient (C); left forelimb with raised clusters of pigmented scales (D); left hindlimb preserving external disruptive patterns and striping on internal leg (E); head with patches of intensely pigmented integument (F); pigmented ischial callosity and cloacal region (G); integument associated with the right leg (H); detail of pigment patterns associated with the proximal tail region, dorsolateral surface (I); pigment patterns associated with the lateral torso (J); and pigment patterns associated with the distal tail region (K). Jb, jugal boss; Pfb, prefrontal boss. Scale bars represent 50 mm (B–G), 20 mm (H), and 10 mm (I–K).