Figure 1. Sequence of the experimental protocols .
In study 1, participants first performed 90 min of submaximal combined leg‐ and arm‐cycling exercise followed by 1 h of rest and then completed two counterbalanced incremental cycling bouts to volitional exhaustion, one with their legs and one with their arms [maximal work rate (W max) 315 ± 42 and 121 ± 21 W, respectively]. The two incremental exercise bouts were separated by ∼30 min of rest and were started with unloaded pedalling, with the workload increasing every 2 min thereafter to elicit 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of the previously determined W max. In study 2, the participants completed an incremental leg‐cycling test to volitional exhaustion, with the workload increased every 2 min to elicit 25, 40, 55, 70, 85 and 100% of the previously determined W max (416 ± 16 W).