Adjacent sections of occipital cortex subventricular zone from a 21st wpc human fetus stained for SSEA‐4 or YKL‐40 and processed with z‐stacks of equivalent representative areas. Maximum intensity projections are applied, and using Fiji Cell Counter, SSEA‐4, YKL‐40, and DAPI‐positive cells are manually counted on 8 adjacent representative sections. A total of 4,584 and 4,121 DAPI‐positive nuclei are counted from 4 YKL‐40 and 4 SSEA‐4 labeled sections, respectively. A total of 554 YKL‐40 and 442 SSEA‐4 positive cells are counted. Of all the counted cells, in the four YKL‐40 stained sections 11,99% of total cells are YKL‐40 immunopositive and in the other four SSEA‐4‐stained sections 10,68% are SSEA‐4 positive. Mean total values of YKL‐40 and SSEA‐4 out of total cells are shown in A and B, respectively.