FACS gating for mPFC Parvalbumin neurons: Data are from a representative sort; all runs produced similar patterns. Numbers represent percentages of cells within gates. A) All events are shown. DAPI(+) gate includes cells and excludes debris. B) NeuN-PE-Height/SideScatter-Height gate eliminates non-neurons and irregularly-shaped DAPI(+) events. C) Neurons are gated on Parvalbumin-647-Height to select PV(+) and PV(−) neurons. D) 3 Control groups are gated: PV(+), PV(−)/Fos(+), and PV(−)/Fos(−). E) 4 treated groups are gated: PV(+)/Fos(+), PV(+)/Fos(−), PV(−)/Fos(+), PV(−)/Fos(−). F) Histogram of cFos-immunoreactivity for all PV(+) neurons from (R)-DOI (red) and control (blue) tissues.