Table 1.
Categories of each collective positioning-derived variable with the boundary values, identifying a total of 29 categories.
1–2: Stretch index | < 16.75 m | Small | SIS |
>16.75 m | Large | SIL | |
3–6: Speed of spread | < −0.6 m/s | Quick contraction | QC |
−0.6 to 0 m/s | Slow contraction | SC | |
0–0.6 m/s | Slow expansion | SE | |
>0.6 m/s | Quick expansion | QE | |
7–10: Length | < 27.72 m | Small | LS |
27.72–35.4 m | Medium | LM | |
35.4–42.71 m | Large | LL | |
>42.71 m | Very large | LVL | |
11–14: Width | < 34.49 m | Small | WS |
34.49–43.68 m | Medium | WM | |
43.68–53.59 m | Large | WL | |
>53.59 m | Very large | WVL | |
15–18: Sector | < 25 m | Ultra-defensive | UDS |
25–50 m | Mid-defensive | MDS | |
50–75 m | Mid-offensive | MOS | |
>75 m | Ultra-offensive | UDS | |
19–21: Corridor | < 21.33 m | Right | RC |
21.33–42.66 | Central | CC | |
>42.66 | Left | LC | |
22–25: Longitudinal speed of team center | < −1.06 m/s | Quick drop back | QDB |
−1.06 to 0 m/s | Slow drop back | SDB | |
0–1.06 m/s | Slow forward move | SFM | |
>1.06 m/s | Quick forward move | QFM | |
26–29: Lateral speed of team center | < −0.6 m/s | Quick to the right | QR |
−0.6 to 0 m/s | Slow to the right | SR | |
0–0.6 m/s | Slow to the left | SL | |
>0.6 m/s | Quick to the left | QL |