Figure 4.
Er81 in Schwann cells is not required for maintenance of Pacinian corpuscles following denervation. A–D, Two- to 4-month-old Er81f/− control (A, C) and DhhCre;Er81f/−conditional mutants (B, D) underwent unilateral tibial nerve transection and recovered for 2 weeks before tissue processing. Denervation was confirmed by the loss of NFH+ (green) axons innervating S100+ (red) Pacinian corpuscles in whole-mount interosseous membrane staining of the denervated limb (C, D), in contrast to NFH+ innervation in the nonsurgical limb (A, B). E, Quantification of S100+ Pacinian corpuscles in serial hindlimb sections in Er81f/− controls (34.33 ± 2.96 corpuscles per nonsurgical limb, 32.67 ± 3.84 corpuscles per denervated limb; p = 0.75) and DhhCre;Er81f/−conditional mutants (27.00 ± 5.57 corpuscles per nonsurgical limb, 29.33 ± 3.53 corpuscles per denervated limb; p = 0.74) shows that loss of Er81 in Schwann cell does not cause a deficit in the maintenance of Pacinian corpuscles following denervation. N = 3 legs per condition. Not significant: p ≥ 0.05. Error bars indicate SEM. Scale bar, 50 μm.