Figure 4. Representative cropped western blot of sea lamprey gill carbonic anhydrase expression (mean ± S.E.M.) using a heterologous cytosolic carbonic anhydrase antibody (1:2000) with crossreactive 27 kD and 29 kD bands in a developmental stage specific pattern collected under identical experimental conditions.
The developmental series includes ammocoete (N = 10); metamorphic stages 1 to 2 (N = 20); stages 5 to 7 (N = 7); and post-metamorphic juvenile (N = 15). Changes in 27 kD and 29 kD bands are analyzed separately and bars with like letters are not significantly different from each other (in upper and lower case letters, respectively). Significant differences between 27 kD and 29 kD bands within a developmental group are indicated by an asterisk. See supplemental Fig. 8 for original blots. Two-way ANOVA and SNK post-hoc test P < 0.05.