Fig. 1.
Tetanic free myoplasmic [Ca2+] ([Ca 2+ ] i) and specific force are markedly lower in fibers from ICU rats. Typical tetanic [Ca2+]i (a) and specific force transients (c) in fibers from sham-operated (SHAM) (solid traces) and ICU rats (dotted traces). Mean ± SEM values for tetanic [Ca2+]i (b) and specific force (d) in fibers from SHAM rats (open bars, n = 6) and ICU rats (solid bars, n = 9) in Tyrode only, or in the presence of 5 mM caffeine. *p < 0.05 ICU vs SHAM rats. e-f Representative records of [Ca2+]i (e, f) and specific force (g, h) during fatigue induced by repeated tetani in fiber from a SHAM rat (e, g) and an ICU rat (f, h)