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. 2016 Jan 29;22(13):1519–1539. doi: 10.1177/1077801215627511

Table 1.

Situations of Violence Against Women That Spanish University Students Did Not Recognize as Violence.

Situations that can occur in a relationship (whether stable or sporadic) Percentage of students who did not view the situation as violence against women
Total (N = 1,083) Women (n = 726) Men (n = 357)
1. Insults you 14 13 16
2. Prevents you from talking to other people 23 18 32
3. Criticizes or discredits what you do 27 21 39
4. Makes unpleasant remarks about your physical appearance 26 21 36
5. Demands a way of dressing, styling, and behaving in public 21 16 32
6. Demands to know whom you are with and where 33 29 42
7. Throws things at you, grabs you, or pushes you violently 4 3 6
8. Hits you or commits other physical brutalities on you 3 2 6
9. Uses force to have sexual relations with you 3 2 5
10. Systematically despises you 14 12 18
11. Intimidates and threatens you 5 4 8
12. Touches you or places his hands on you in different intimate parts of your body against your will or corners you to touch or kiss you 6 5 9
13. Follows you persistently 20 18 24
14. Makes spiteful calls, emails, letters, or notes insisting on having a relationship with you 25 22 31