SNAIL1-deleted cardiac fibroblasts have decreased collagen I mRNA expression and collagen matrix deposition. (A) Relative SNAIL1 mRNA level in isolated SNAIL1f/f; ROSA-LSL-tdTomato cardiac fibroblasts treated with Adeno-LacZ (CTL) or Adeno-Cre (+ Cre), with and without TGFβ stimulation (2ng/ml for 2 hours), as determined by Q-PCR. SNAIL1 mRNA level in CTL unstimulated cells was arbitrarily set to 1. (B) Western blot analysis, with the indicated antibodies, of extracts from cardiac fibroblasts isolated from SNAIL1f/f; ROSA-LSL-tdTomato mice and treated with Adeno-LacZ (CTL) or Adeno-Cre (+ Cre), with and without TGFβ stimulation (2 ng/ml for 2 hours). Col1α1 (C) and Col3α1 (D) mRNA levels at baseline and following TGFβ stimulation (2 ng/ml for 2 hours) in control (CTL) and SNAIL1-/- (+ Cre) cardiac fibroblasts. Shown is a representative result of one of 4 independent experiments. (E) Collagen I immunofluorescence of cell free matrix deposited by control (CTL) and SNAIL1-/- (+ Cre) cardiac fibroblasts. (n = 3). (F) Quantification of results in (E). (G) Detection of Collagen 1 by Sirius Red Staining of cell free matrix deposited by control (CTL) and SNAIL1-deleted (+ Cre) cardiac fibroblasts. (n = 4). (H) Birefringence imaging of Sirius red stained matrix produced by control (CTL) or SNAIL-/- (+ Cre) cardiac fibroblasts. (I) Quantification of birefriengence imaging (n = 4, 20 images counted for each experiment). Scale bars: 50 microns.