Fig. 3.
The 3D structure of ZmLTP1.6. a ZmLTP1.6 without ligand (dark violet) and with palmitic acid (light pink; palmitic acid shown as pink ball-and-stick). Residues that change their position most are shown as sticks. b The NMR (magenta) and X-ray (dark violet) unliganded structures of ZmLTP1.6. Differences between the structures are mainly located to the C-terminal region (residues 75–84 shown with lighter colors). c The NMR structures of ZmLTP1.6 (magenta) and TaLTP1.1 (wheat and brown). Obvious differences between the structures are found in the positions of helices H1 and H4, the loops, and the C-terminal region. d The fatty acid binding properties of ZmLTP1.6. The carboxyl groups of oleic acid (orange), myristic acid (white), and palmitoleic acid (pink) form a hydrogen bond with Arg46 (orange), Asn37 (white), and Tyr81 (pink), respectively