Figure 4. Magnetoelectric coupling.
(a) Zero-field-cooled (ZFC)/Field-cooled (FC) magnetization curves at 500 Oe and (b) isothermal magnetization loops at 300 K, for the unpoled and poled Bi0.68Pb0.32Fe0.655Mn0.025Ti0.32O3 ceramic. Néel temperature (TNTet) of the P4mm phase and magnetic anomaly associated with the spin-reorientation phenomenon (TSRO) within the Cc phase are indicated. A distinctive magnetoelectric response is anticipated, associated with the observed electric field-induced phase change between Cc and P4mm phases. (c) Linear magnetoelectric response was also found, as indicated by the magnetoelectric voltage coefficient (α31) as a function of a static magnetization field, Hdc (open and closed symbols are for polarization pointing in antiparallel directions. The measuring configuration is illustrated in the inset).