Figure 3. Comparisons of the evolution of modelled and observed radial profiles of electron flux.
All panels show the flux of electrons at 85° equatorial pitch angle as a function of radial distance and day of January 2013. The output of numerical simulations accounting for radial transport and scattering by VLF waves but without EMIC wave scattering are shown for (a) 1.02 MeV and (b) 4.2 MeV electrons. The output of numerical simulations similar to the first row but now with additional scattering by EMIC waves are shown for (c) 1.02 MeV and (d) 4.2 MeV electrons. Observations of electron flux from the MagEIS and REPT instruments on the Van Allen Probes spacecraft are shown for (e) 1.02 MeV and (f) 4.2 MeV electrons. The white lines in e and f show the plasmapause location. Observations show an increase in electron flux at MeV energies (e) and a decrease at ultra-relativistic energies (f). The numerical simulations including EMIC waves successfully reproduce the evolution of both of these electron populations (c,d).