Fig. 2.
Protenome analysis of RPASMCs treated with PDGF-BB. a, heatmap displaying a subset of proteins differentially expressed upon RPASMCs treated 12 or 24 h with PDGF-BB (FC > 1.6, p <0.05), measured via iTRAQ; b, GO analysis showing the most enriched GO term on differentially expressed proteins in response to PDGF-BB; c, the most enriched pathway of proteins differentially expressed, analyzing via KEGG pathway; d, The network was constructed with differentially expressed proteins and their potential corresponded transcription factors (TFs), displaying the 14 significantly enriched TFs (yellow), Color of line represented the enrichment level. As to a GO or KEGG term, Rich factor = (number of differentially expressed gene) / (total gene number), Qvalue is p-value adjusted by method “Benjamini and Hochberg”