Figure 1.
(a) Gel electrophoresis of purified atDORN1-ECD, atDORN1-ECD mutant and csI.9-ECD proteins resolved and analyzed by SDS–PAGE. Protein molecular-weight marker is in lanes 1 and 10 (labeled in kDa), while lane 2 contains atDORN1-ECD, lane 3 atDORN1-ECD-N56D, lane 4 atDORN1-ECD-N124D, lane 5 atDORN1-ECD-N128D, lane 6 atDORN1-ECD-N181D, lane 7 atDORN1-ECD-N204D, lane 8 atDORN1-ECD-N225D, lane 9 atDORN1-ECD-N232D, lane 11 atDORN1-ECD, lane 12 atDORN1-ECD-N124N128D, lane 13 atDORN1-ECD-N124N204D, lane 14 atDORN1-ECD-N124N225D, lane 15 atDORN1-ECD-N128N204D, lane 16 atDORN1-ECD-N204N225D, lane 17 atDORN1-ECD-N124N128N204D, lane 18 atDORN1-ECD-N124N128N225D, lane 19 atDORN1-ECD-N124N204N225D, lane 20 atDORN1-ECD-N128N204N225D, lane 21 atDORN1-ECD-N124N128N204N225D and lane 22 csI.9-ECD. SDS–PAGEs were performed on 12%(w/v) gel and were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. (b) Chromatogram showing the elution profiles of atDORN1-ECD (blue) and csI.9-ECD (orange) from size-exclusion chromatography on a Superdex 200 10/30 column. The major peaks at the retention volumes of 15.6 and 16.1 ml correspond to atDORN1-ECD and csI.9-ECD monomers, respectively. Molecular-weight standards are indicated in kDa at the top of the profiles.