Fig. 7.
Model for the Pga1-mediated signal transduction pathway, showing the effectors AC and PKA previously reported in different fungi, along with newly identified effectors and proteins and their relation with the cellular processes regulated by Pga1. Thin solid arrows indicate steps in metabolic pathways, transport processes and established interactions of the fungal subgroup I Gα subunits. Dotted lines indicate positive (arrows) or negative (bars) effects on protein expression inferred from the results of this work. Red solid arrows indicate phosphorylation by PKA and PKC. Thick solid arrows indicate relation of identified proteins to cellular processes regulated by Pga1 signaling. brlA is the first gene of the central regulatory pathway of conidiogenesis, and is negatively regulated by Pga1 signaling [8]. pcbAB, pcbC and penDE are the three structural genes for penicillin biosynthesis, they are positively regulated by Pga1 signaling [10]