(A) The serum concentrations of 33 cytokines were analyzed before and after a B. pertussis challenge in unprotected (lighter blue bars) and protected (dark blue and red bars) mice, as indicated. Concentrations of CXCL13, CCL11, CXCL1, G-CSF, IL-6, CXCL10, and IL-13 serum were significantly altered and represented as mean concentrations of individual values (n = 3). Significant values were calculated by one-way ANOVA with multiple comparison compared to the pre-challenge level (D0) of unprotected mice or protected mice (* = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01, and *** = p<0.001). (B) The percentage of Gr1+ cells (neutrophils) was determined over time in the spleen of unprotected and protected mice by using Flow cytometry (* = p<0.05).