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. 2016 Oct 6;11(10):e0163832. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163832

Table 2. Population Characteristics of the VDAART women, EXCLUDING the 30 women.

Total no. of Subjects N = 846
Age at Enrollment (yrs) Mean (SD) 27.5 (5.5)
[Min, Max] [18, 39.5]
n %
Race/Ethnicity African American 356 42
Caucasian (Hispanic) 120 14
Caucasian (Non-Hispanic) 224 26
Other 146 17
Site of Enrollment Boston 256 30
San Diego 294 35
St. Louis 296 35
Self reported asthma No 499 59
Yes 347 41
Number of pregnancies, including vdaart One 293 35
Two 222 26
> = 3 331 39
Treatment arm 400 IU 425 50
4,400 IU 421 50
Baseline Vitamin D nmol/l (25 OHD) (n = 840) Mean (SD) 57.5 (25.2)
[Min, Max] [10.9, 201.7]
Third trimester Vitamin D nmol/l (25 OHD) (n = 747) Mean (SD) 82.4 (36.4)
[Min, Max] [14.2, 224.9]
ppBMI (n = 669)* Mean (SD) 28.1 (7.5)
[Min, Max] [15.8, 78.9]

*ppBMI = pre-pregnancy body mass index