Figure 4. PRSS8 expression levels were restored by de-methylation agent decitabine (DAC), and the restored expression could be reduced by small interfering RNA targeting human PRSS8 (siR-PRSS8).
A. PRSS8 expression levels were restored by DAC at protein and mRNA levels in KYSE450 cells. B. Similar results were seen in another ESCC cell line EC9706. C and D. the restoration of PRSS8 by 100μM of DAC was time-dependent in KYSE450 (C) and EC9706 cells (D). (H stood for hours). E and F. Small interfering RNA targeting PRSS8 attenuated DAC-induced PRSS8 expression in ESCC cell line KYSE450 (E) and EC9706 cells (F). **p<0.01, *p<0.05, compared to the control group. All experiments were triplicated independently.