Figure 7.26.1.
Fresh human PBMCs were processed as described (see Basic Protocol) and detailed (see Anticipated Results). (A) Forward-versus side-scatter dot plot, ungated; (B) HO342 width versus area dot plot, gated on R1 or R2; (C) CD28 Alexa Fluor 488 versus Alexa Fluor 546 dot plot, gated on R1 and R3; (D) histogram overlay of Cy5 telomere-specific fluorescence of cells falling within gate R1, gate R3, and gate R5 over background fluorescence; (E) histogram overlay of Cy5 telomere-specific fluorescence of cells falling within gate R1, gate R3, and gate R6 over background fluorescence; (F) histogram overlay of 1301 cells falling within gate R2 and gate R4 over background fluorescence. RFI: relative mean fluorescence intensity.