Figure 3.
Delayed Skeletal Development and Ossification in Col1a1-Gsk3b KO Mice Panels A–E show Alizarin Red (bone) and Alcian Blue (cartilage) staining of skeletal elements, comparing control (Cont) and skeleton-specific GSK-3β knockout mice (KO): A, (top left), P0 hard palate; A (top right), P0 sternum; A (bottom left), P21 hard palate; A (bottom right), P21 (Xyphoid process circled). B, Deltoid tuberosity; B (top), P0; B (bottom), P21. C, Knee joint. C (top), P0; C (bottom), P21. D, Pelvic bone. D (top), P0; D (bottom), P21. E, (left), T2 vertebrae; E (middle), T10 vertebrae; E (right), T13 vertebrae.