Figure 1. Biphasic effect of Flx on bone mass.
(a) Representative images (n = 4 images/mouse) of vertebrae and quantification of BV/TV of WT female mice treated with Flx or veh for 3 or 6 weeks (veh n = 10, 3 w Flx n = 10, 6 w Flx n = 16) and tibiae (veh n = 8, 3 w Flx n = 8, 6 w Flx n = 9). Scale bars, 400 μm. (b–d) WT female mice treated with Flx or veh for 3 w. Vertebrae bone histomorphometry as measured by Oc.S/BS (b), Ob.S/BS, and BFR/BS (c). Urine concentration of Dpd crosslinks and plasma concentration of OCN (d). Cr, creatinine. Oc.S, osteoclast surface; BS, bone surface; Ob.S, osteoblast surface; BFR, bone formation rate. (e–g) WT female mice treated with Flx or veh for 6 w. Quantification of osteoclast surface in vertebrae (e), urine concentration of Dpd and plasma concentration of OCN (f) and bone histomorphometry of vertebrae as in c (g). Values are mean ± SEM compared to veh *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01 using a one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s test to veh (a, right) or Student’s test (all other panels).